Saturday, 27 February 2010

Time passes quickly.

It's very busy here at the moment.

I got some roses from friends because of the bad news about Hans.

He won't recover. And I feel very very sad about it. We make the best of it and I enjoy every day we are together. It's hard to see my love being so ill.

I was in tears when I got these roses. But they also made me smile.......... friends world wide!!!!


  1. joanna, you know you are in my thoughts and close to my heart.. much love to you and hans...

  2. Dear Joanna,my heart is aching to hear about Hans news. I read your posts and feel helpless. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you all Jean

  3. joanna a Sunshine Award especially for you and your blog .... you can to see the list of the other recipients on my blog.

    thinking of you hans and family so much

    with love jane

  4. Thank you Cindi, Jean and Jane.
    I'll have a look Jane, I can use some sunshine.:-)

  5. Joanna, I wish so much I could help in some way and give you a hug in person. You are such a loving, encouraging person, and I am in tears about the sad news about Hans. You both and Tom in my thoughts and prayers often every day.

  6. Joanna, so, so sorry to hear the upsetting news about Hans. You and the family are in my thoughts. Wish the outcome was positive for all your sakes! Those are truly beautiful roses Joanna.

  7. These are wonderful roses, Joanna. I think you are the artist who deserves the sunshine award more than anyone else. Hugs

  8. Beautiful roses that you have done....
